Diverticulitis Third Party Manufacturing

Diverticula are bulging pouches that can develop in lower part of large intestine (colon).These diverticula are usually formed after age of 40. Diverticulitis occurs when these bulging pouches get infected or inflamed. Mild cases of diverticulitis can be treated with healthy diet and proper rest but in severe cases doctor's advice is necessary. A famous quote if wealth is lost nothing is lost, Health complications are at peak these days. Even we are not aware about many diseases. What is diverticulitis? If you have nausea, fever, bloating, loss of appetite, pain in the lower left side of abdomen then you may be sufferer of diverticulitis. Here we are discussing various aspect of this problem.

  • It has been observed that 15% of people who are suffering from diverticulitis may experience bleeding. Around 70-80% of cases bleeding is painless and resolves at its own. But in the case of excess bleeding, hospitalization and blood transfusion is mandatory.
  • Diverticulitis may also lead to urinary problems like pain during urination and frequent urge of urination.
  • Most common complication associated with diverticulitis is the formation of pus filled pouch (abscess) outside large intestine.
  • Fistula is the associated with diverticulitis. Fistula is channel which is formed when infected tissues get healed up. Fistulas can become the passage for various microorganisms into other part of body and may trigger bladder infections such as cystitis.


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